
Best AI for Sustainable Development

This award honours AI initiatives contributing significantly to sustainable development and environmental conservation, specifically addressing global challenges related to sustainability, climate change, and environmental protection. 


Environmental Impact: 

  • Quantifiable Outcomes: Demonstrated reduction in environmental footprint, such as lower carbon emissions, reduced waste, or enhanced resource efficiency.
  • Long-term Sustainability: Potential for long-term positive effects on the environment and ecosystems.


  • Creativity: Novelty in applying AI to sustainability challenges, including unique approaches to solving environmental problems.
  • Technological Advancement: Use of cutting-edge AI technologies that push the boundaries of current capabilities in sustainable development.


  • Broader Application: Potential to scale the AI solution to various industries, regions, or environmental challenges.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility of the AI solution to be applied in different contexts or environments with similar positive outcomes.
  • Social Impact: Community Engagement: Involvement and benefit to local communities, including job creation, education, or health improvements related to environmental initiatives.
  • Global Reach: Contribution to global sustainability goals, such as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ethical Considerations: 

  • Responsible AI: Adherence to ethical AI practices, including transparency, fairness, and accountability in the development and deployment of the solution.
  • Impact on Inequality: Efforts to reduce social inequalities while addressing environmental issues, ensuring that the AI application benefits all segments of society.

Regulatory Compliance: 

  • Environmental Standards: Compliance with relevant environmental regulations and standards at local, national, and international levels.
  • Sustainability Certifications: Achievement of certifications or endorsements from recognized sustainability organizations or bodies.

Best Ethical Risk Management in AI Output

This criteria should focus on evaluating how well the AI solution identifies, mitigates, and manages ethical risks associated with its output. 

Criteria- Bias Mitigation and Fairness

  • Explanation: This criterion assesses the measures taken to identify, mitigate, and eliminate biases in the AI output. How effectively does the AI ensure fairness across different demographics and groups?
  • Considerations: Techniques for bias detection and correction, fairness audits, equitable performance across diverse user groups, and transparency in addressing potential biases.

Criteria- Transparency and Explainability

  • Explanation: This focuses on how transparent and explainable the AI system is in its decision-making processes. Can users and stakeholders understand how and why decisions are made by the AI?
  • Considerations: Clarity of model explanations, availability of interpretable outputs, user-friendly explanations, documentation of model behaviour, and transparency in the development and deployment processes. 

Criteria- Privacy and Data Protection

  • Explanation: This criterion evaluates the measures taken to protect user privacy and ensure data security. How well does the AI system handle sensitive information and comply with data protection regulations?
  • Considerations: Data anonymization techniques, compliance with privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA), secure data storage and transmission, and user consent mechanisms.

Criteria- Accountability and Governance

  • Explanation: This assesses the accountability mechanisms and governance structures in place to oversee the ethical deployment of AI. How is accountability ensured in case of ethical breaches or harmful outputs? 
  • Considerations: Clear accountability frameworks, ethical guidelines adherence, monitoring and auditing processes, incident response strategies, and stakeholder involvement in governance.

Criteria- Social and Environmental Impact

  • Explanation: This criterion looks at the broader social and environmental impacts of the AI output. How does the AI solution consider and mitigate potential negative consequences on society and the environment?
  • Considerations: Assessment of social impact, environmental sustainability practices, proactive measures to avoid harm, and initiatives to promote positive societal and environmental outcomes.

Criteria- Inclusivity and Accessibility

  • Explanation: This assesses how inclusive and accessible the AI solution is for diverse user groups, including those with disabilities or from underserved communities.
  • Considerations: Accessibility features, inclusive design principles, consideration of diverse user needs, and efforts to ensure wide accessibility and usability.

Most Impactful GenAI Implementation in Customer Interaction

The criteria should focus on the creativity, quality, impact, and ethical considerations of the generative AI solution.

Criteria- Creativity and Originality 

  • Explanation: This criterion evaluates the originality and creativity of the generative AI output. How innovative and unique are the generated results? 
  • Considerations: Novelty of the content, creativity in application, and originality compared to existing generative AI solutions.

Criteria- Quality and Realism of Generated Output 

  • Explanation: This assesses the quality and realism of the AI-generated content. How convincing and high-quality are the generated results? 
  • Considerations: Fidelity, coherence, plausibility, visual or auditory quality (if applicable), and overall believability of the generated output.

Criteria- Technical Proficiency and Innovation

  • Explanation: This focuses on the technical complexity and innovation of the generative AI model. How advanced and innovative is the underlying technology?
  • Considerations: Use of state-of-the-art algorithms, innovative model architectures, technical robustness, and efficiency of the model.

Criteria- Impact and Applicability

  • Explanation: This criterion looks at the practical impact and applicability of the generative AI solution. How useful and impactful is the generated content in real-world scenarios?
  • Considerations: Practical applications, potential for widespread adoption, usefulness in various industries (e.g., entertainment, design, marketing), and the significance of the problem addressed.

Criteria- Ethical Considerations and Responsible Use 

  • Explanation: This evaluates how the generative AI solution adheres to ethical guidelines and responsible use principles. Are ethical issues addressed adequately in the development and deployment of the solution?
  • Considerations: Bias mitigation, transparency, responsible use of generated content, avoidance of harmful outputs, and adherence to ethical AI standards.

Criteria- User Experience and Accessibility

  • Explanation: This assesses the user experience and accessibility of the generative AI solution. How easy is it for users to interact with and benefit from the solution?
  • Considerations: User interface design, ease of use, accessibility features, user feedback, and overall satisfaction of end-users.

Best AI Bias Mitigation

This criteria focuses on evaluating how well the AI solutions identify, mitigate, and manage bias throughout their lifecycle. 

Criteria- Bias Detection and Analysis

  • Explanation: This criterion evaluates the methods and effectiveness of detecting bias in the AI model and its datasets. How thoroughly does the submission identify and analyse potential biases?
  • Considerations: Techniques used for bias detection, comprehensiveness of bias analysis, identification of bias in training data, model outputs, and performance across different demographic groups. 

Criteria- Bias Mitigation Strategies

  • Explanation: This assesses the strategies and techniques implemented to mitigate identified biases. How effective are the measures taken to reduce or eliminate bias?
  • Considerations: Implementation of bias mitigation techniques, the effectiveness of these techniques in improving fairness, iterative testing, and validation to ensure biases are adequately addressed. 

Criteria- Transparency and Explainability

  • Explanation: This focuses on how transparent and explainable the AI system is in its approach to managing bias. Are the methods and decisions made by the AI model understandable and accessible to users?
  • Considerations: Clarity of explanations regarding bias detection and mitigation processes, documentation of methods, user-friendly communication of model decisions, and efforts to make the model interpretable. 

Criteria- Impact on Diverse Populations

  • Explanation: This criterion looks at how the AI model performs across different demographic groups and its impact on various populations. Does the solution ensure equitable treatment for all users?
  • Considerations: Performance metrics disaggregated by demographic groups, assessment of the AI’s impact on diverse populations, and measures taken to ensure fairness and avoid disparate impacts. 

Criteria- Ethical and Responsible AI Practices

  • Explanation: This evaluates the overall ethical considerations and responsible AI practices incorporated into the development and deployment of the AI solution. Are ethical guidelines followed, and is there a commitment to responsible AI?
  • Considerations: Adherence to ethical AI principles, governance frameworks, accountability measures, user consent and privacy protection, and efforts to promote ethical use of AI. 

Criteria- Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

  • Explanation: This assesses the mechanisms in place for ongoing monitoring and improvement of bias management in the AI model. How does the solution ensure continuous assessment and refinement of bias mitigation?
  • Considerations: Processes for continuous bias monitoring, feedback loops, regular updates and retraining of models, and responsiveness to new findings and user feedback. 

Best AI Usage in Telecommunications

Awarded for AI solutions that significantly improve connectivity and customer service in the telco industry.


  • Network Optimisation: Improvement in network performance, maintenance, and optimisation.
  • Customer Experience: Enhancement of customer service and personalised experiences. 
  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlining of operations and cost reduction. 
  • Innovation: Creativity and novelty of the AI solution. 
  • Scalability: Ability to implement the solution across various regions and customer bases. 

Best AI Usage in Healthcare

Awarded for solutions that help improve patient care and back-office tasks.


  • Patient Outcomes: Improvement in patient diagnosis, treatment, and overall healthcare outcomes.
  • Efficiency: Enhancement of healthcare processes and operational efficiency.
  • Innovation: Novelty and uniqueness of the AI application in healthcare.
  • Scalability: Potential to scale across different healthcare settings and populations.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with healthcare regulations and standards.

AI Champion of the Year

Awarded to an individual who has made a substantial impact on the AI field through innovation, leadership, or advocacy.

Criteria – Impact and Contribution to the Field

  • Explanation: This criterion assesses the individual’s contributions to the field of AI and their impact on technology, research, industry, or society.
  • Considerations: Significant research findings, influential publications, development of groundbreaking AI technologies, contributions to major projects, and overall influence on the advancement of AI.

Criteria: Innovation and Creativity

  • Explanation: This focuses on the individual’s ability to introduce innovative ideas and creative solutions within the AI domain. How have they pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in AI?
  • Considerations: Development of novel algorithms, innovative applications of AI, unique problem-solving approaches, and creative thinking that drives the field forward.

Criteria: Leadership and Mentorship

  • Explanation: This criterion evaluates the individual’s leadership qualities and their role in mentoring and guiding others in the AI community.
  • Considerations: Leadership roles in AI organizations or projects, mentorship of students and junior researchers, influence in shaping AI-related policies or strategies, and contributions to fostering a collaborative and inclusive AI community.

Criteria: Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility

  • Explanation: This assesses the individual’s commitment to ethical practices and their efforts to ensure the responsible use of AI.
  • Considerations: Advocacy for ethical AI, contributions to establishing ethical guidelines, efforts in promoting fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI, and initiatives aimed at addressing social and ethical issues related to AI.

Criteria: Public Engagement and Education

  • Explanation: This focuses on the individual’s efforts to engage with the public and educate various audiences about AI.
  • Considerations: Public speaking engagements, participation in AI-related educational programs, media contributions, efforts to demystify AI for the general public, and activities aimed at increasing AI literacy and awareness.

Criteria: Collaboration and Community Building

  • Explanation: This assesses the individual’s role in building collaborations and contributing to the AI community.
  • Considerations: Establishment of collaborative networks, participation in or organisation of AI conferences and workshops, community-building activities, and fostering partnerships across academia, industry, and government.

Best AI Usage in Retail

Awarded for AI Solutions that significantly improve retail in the customer service aspect of business and gain insight into market demographics to optimise business.

  • Criteria – Customer Experience: Improvement in customer experience through personalisation, recommendations, or customer service.
  • Operational Efficiency: Enhancement of supply chain, inventory management, and logistics. Sales Impact: Direct impact on sales and revenue through AI-driven insights.
  • Innovation: Uniqueness and creativity of the AI application.
  • Scalability: Capability to implement the solution across multiple locations or platforms.

Best AI Usage in Public Sector/Government

Awarded for AI solutions that significantly improve government services or public sector operations, including policy-making and administration.

  • Criteria – Public Benefit: Contribution to societal welfare, safety, government schemes and public services.
  • Efficiency: Improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of public and government services.
  • Transparency: Openness and transparency in AI operations and decision-making processes.
  • Impact: Measurable outcomes in terms of public service delivery.
  • Ethical Considerations: Adherence to ethical standards and minimization of biases

Best AI Usage in Finance

Awarded for outstanding AI solutions in the financial sector, such as fraud detection, algorithmic trading, or risk management.

  • Criteria – Innovation: How innovative is the AI application in solving financial problems?
  • Impact: Quantifiable impact on financial performance, customer experience, and operational efficiency.
  • Scalability: Ability to scale the AI solution across different financial products or services.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to financial regulations and standards.
  • User Adoption: Level of adoption and acceptance by users and stakeholders.

Best use of Machine Learning in Business Setting

Recognises the development of an advanced, efficient, and effective AI model or algorithm that demonstrates technical excellence and innovation.

Criteria: Model Performance and Accuracy

  • Explanation: This criterion evaluates the performance metrics of the AI model. How accurate and effective is the model in achieving its intended purpose?
  • Considerations: Accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, ROC-AUC, and other relevant performance metrics; comparison with baseline models and benchmarks.

Criteria: Innovation in Model Design and Architecture 

  • Explanation: This assesses the novelty and creativity in the design and architecture of the AI model. Does the model introduce new techniques or improve existing ones?
  • Considerations: Use of novel algorithms, innovative modifications to existing models, creative architecture designs, and the application of cutting-edge machine learning techniques.

Criteria: Technical Complexity and Sophistication

  • Explanation: This focuses on the technical challenges addressed and the sophistication of the AI model. How complex and advanced is the model from a technical standpoint?
  • Considerations: Handling of large datasets, computational efficiency, optimization techniques, and the ability to solve complex problems that were previously unsolved or poorly addressed.

Criteria: Practical Impact and Usability 

  • Explanation: This criterion looks at the practical application and usability of the AI model. How effectively can the model be used in real-world scenarios?
  • Considerations: Real-world deployment, user-friendly implementation, scalability, adaptability to different use cases, and demonstrable benefits in practical applications.

Criteria: Ethical Considerations and Model Transparency 

  • Explanation: This evaluates how the model addresses ethical concerns and maintains transparency. Are ethical guidelines followed in the development and deployment of the model?
  • Considerations: Bias mitigation, fairness, transparency in decision-making processes, interpretability of the model, and adherence to ethical AI practices.

Criteria: Data Quality and Management

  • Explanation: This criterion assesses the quality and management of the data used for training and validating the AI model. How well is the data handled?
  • Considerations: Data preprocessing techniques, handling of missing or noisy data, data augmentation, and the diversity and representativeness of the training data.

Best AI Product

Recognises the best AI product or application based on its innovation, impact, user experience, and technical excellence.  

Criteria:  Innovation and Originality

  • Explanation:  This criterion assesses the novelty and creativity of the AI product. How innovative and unique is the solution compared to existing products in the market? 
  • Considerations:  Introduction of new features or functionalities, use of cutting-edge AI technologies, creative problem-solving approaches, and differentiation from competitors.

Criteria: Impact and Value Proposition 

  • Explanation:   This focuses on the tangible benefits and value that the AI product provides to its users and the broader market. How significantly does it improve processes, solve problems, or create new opportunities? 
  • Considerations: Measurable outcomes and benefits, user adoption rates, customer testimonials, case studies demonstrating real-world impact, and the product’s potential for long-term value creation.

Criteria: User Experience and Design

  • Explanation: This criterion evaluates the usability and design of the AI product. How intuitive and user-friendly is the product for its intended audience?
  • Considerations: Quality of the user interface (UI), ease of use, accessibility features, user satisfaction and feedback, and overall design aesthetics and functionality.

Criteria: Technical Excellence and Performance

  • Explanation: This focuses on the technical robustness and performance of the AI product. How well does the product perform its intended functions?
  • Considerations: Accuracy, efficiency, scalability, reliability, use of advanced algorithms and techniques, and performance metrics demonstrating the product’s technical superiority.

Criteria: Ethical Considerations and Responsible AI

  • Explanation:  This criterion assesses the ethical implications and responsible use of AI in the product. How does the product ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability?
  • Considerations: Efforts to mitigate bias, ensure data privacy, maintain transparency in decision-making processes, adhere to ethical guidelines, and demonstrate social responsibility in AI deployment.

Criteria: Market Fit and Scalability

  • Explanation: This assesses the product’s suitability for its target market and its potential to scale effectively.
  • Considerations: Market research and fit, adaptability to different use cases and environments, scalability of the underlying technology, and growth potential.

Best AI Research Paper

The criteria should focus on evaluating the research paper’s contribution to the field, its scientific rigor, practical impact, clarity, and originality.

Criteria: Novelty and Originality

  • Explanation: This criterion assesses the originality of the research and its contribution to advancing the field of AI. How unique is the approach or findings presented in the paper?
  • Considerations: Introduction of new theories, algorithms, methodologies, or applications; the paper’s ability to push the boundaries of existing knowledge; and the novelty of the research questions addressed.

Criteria: Scientific Rigor and Methodology

  • Explanation: This focuses on the robustness and validity of the research methods and analysis. How rigorously was the research conducted, and are the methods and results scientifically sound?
  • Considerations: Quality of the experimental design, statistical analysis, reproducibility of results, clarity of methodology, and the thoroughness of theoretical or empirical evaluation.

Criteria: Impact and Practical Applications

  • Explanation: This assesses the potential impact and real-world applicability of the research. How does the paper contribute to solving practical problems or advancing technological applications?
  • Considerations: Demonstrated or potential practical applications, relevance to current challenges in AI, contributions to industry practices, and potential for future research or product development.

Criteria: Clarity and Presentation

  • Explanation: This criterion evaluates how clearly and effectively the research is communicated. Is the paper well-organized and accessible to its intended audience?
  • Considerations: Quality of writing, logical structure, clarity of explanations and arguments, use of figures and tables, and overall readability of the paper.

Criteria: Contribution to the AI Community

  • Explanation: This focuses on how the research paper contributes to the broader AI community and its influence on future research directions or practices.
  • Considerations: Citations and references, engagement with existing literature, impact on ongoing research, influence on academic and industry discourse, and contributions to collaborative efforts or open science.

Criteria: Ethical Considerations and Social Impact

  • Explanation: This assesses whether the paper addresses ethical implications and considers the social impact of its findings.
  • Considerations: Discussion of ethical issues related to the research, potential societal impacts, considerations of fairness and bias, and adherence to ethical research standards.