Summit Workshop

Room A

AI and Cyber Security

AI plays a critical role in cybersecurity, enabling quicker threat detection and response compared to conventional methods. Its applications include anomaly detection, fraud prevention, and automated threat response. However, there are legitimate concerns about AI being exploited for malicious purposes by cybercriminals. 

Room B

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) stands as a pivotal approach in machine learning, where an agent effectively learns decision-making by engaging with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties. RL’s significance is increasingly evident in domains such as robotics, gaming, and autonomous systems, empowering AI to advance through iterative learning and experimentation. 

Room C

AI-Powered Automation

The rise of AI is enabling the automation of tasks that were previously carried out by humans, spanning from manufacturing to customer service (e.g., chatbots, robotic process automation). While this trend enhances productivity, it also brings about concerns regarding its impact on jobs and the workforce. 

Room D

Generative AI

Generative AI pertains to models with the remarkable capacity to produce original content, spanning text, images, music, and code, through the assimilation of patterns from pre-existing data. Notable instances of generative AI encompass GPT for text and GANs for images. This groundbreaking technology is revolutionising industries like entertainment, marketing, and design. 

Room E

Ethical AI and AI Governance

Ethical AI prioritises fairness, transparency, accountability, and the reduction of bias in AI algorithms. AI governance aims to create rules and guidelines for the responsible development and use of AI, addressing issues such as privacy, job displacement, and equitable decision-making.

Room F

Will robots ever control the world?

The debate about the role of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) in everyday life continues to be a topic of significant discussion. This ongoing dialogue raises important questions about the future equilibrium between human involvement and automated systems. As the prevalence of robots and AI continues to grow, the need to address and understand this balance becomes increasingly important.

Room G

AI in Autonomous Systems

The integration of AI into autonomous systems has revolutionized the way machines and vehicles operate, allowing them to perform tasks without human intervention. These advanced systems, such as self-driving cars, drones, and robots, utilize AI algorithms for decision-making, perception, and control. Key components include computer vision for object recognition, machine learning for adapting to new situations, and sensor fusion for processing data from multiple sources. A significant aspect of this integration involves discussing how AI enables these systems to operate safely and efficiently in dynamic environments, ultimately enhancing navigation, obstacle avoidance, and overall performance. 

Room H

AI for Sustainability and Climate Change

AI for sustainability and climate change is about leveraging artificial intelligence to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development. AI helps in areas such as optimising energy usage, improving resource efficiency, and reducing carbon emissions. For example, AI-powered systems can enhance renewable energy grid management, predict extreme weather events, monitor deforestation, and optimise supply chains to minimise waste. Additionally, AI aids climate modelling, helping to predict long-term impacts and devise effective mitigation strategies. By analysing vast data sets and providing actionable insights, the discussion will be based around how AI plays a key role in supporting global efforts to combat climate change and achieve sustainability goals.